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ZBY2166 - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric

Expected in 2-4 weeks EAN: 3389110093742
ZBY2166 - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - 0
ZBY2166 - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - 1
ZBY2166 - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - 2
ZBY2166 - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - 3
ZBY2166 - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - 4
ZBY2166 - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - 5
ZBY2166 - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric - 6
EAN: 3389110093742
ZBY2166 - Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric
1,00 € excl. VAT
1,22 € incl. VAT
Text About:
Legend holder 30x40mm, Harmony XB4, plastic, with legend 8x27mm, marked ARRET and MARCHE - Schneider Electric
1,22 €
Accessory category Accessoire de marquage
type of product or equipment Porte-étiquette
user language Français
composition of the device Légende repérée
range compatibility Harmony XB5
Harmony XB4
Accessory / separate part designation Unités de commande et signalisation Ø 22 mm
Pour tête standard
dimension of the label holder 30 x 40 mm
matter Plastique
product weight 0,002 kg
marking Blanc ARRET-MARCHE sur 1 côté noir, 1 côté rouge arrière-plan
Colour Gris foncé
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1,00 € excl. VAT
1,22 € incl. VAT
Expected in 2-4 weeks