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Privacy Policy

Last update: 25/10/2021

As a part of its activities, is required to collect and process, as data controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulations, some of your personal data.
Ensuring the confidentiality of your personal data is the basis of establishing trusting relationships. Therefore, we take the protection of your personal data seriously when carrying out our activities, whether online or in our branches.
The purpose of this policy is to explain to you how we collect and process your personal data. It may be modified at any time, in particular to take into account the evolution of the technologies used, the publication of new services and new regulations, in which case the new version will be published on our websites.

What categories of personal data do we process? collects and processes several types of personal data. These are mainly the following categories:
- Personal identification: your surname, first name, e-mail address, personal address, postal code;
- Professional contact details: e-mail address, postal address and telephone number and other contact details such as delivery address, billing address, contact points;
When personal data is requested, you can refuse to provide it. However, if you choose to do so, we may not be able to provide you with the relevant product or service.
Please note that we also market third-party connected products and we invite you to read their personal data protection policies that apply to you.

When do we collect and process your personal data?
The personal data concerning you are collected and/or processed on the occasion of:
- consultation of our websites;
- the creation of your customer account;
- the management of the rights of use of the customer account;
- the supply of products and services;
- the administrative and financial management of customer relations;
- the sending of commercial offers, prospecting and/or newsletters according to your choice;
- during our exchanges: the content of your messages, e-mails, letters or telephone calls to our attention (for example the comments and opinions on the products that you write, or the questions that you ask). When you contact us, telephone conversations may be listened to and recorded for the purpose of improving customer relations;
- satisfaction surveys;

Why do we use your personal data?
We use your personal data for the following purposes:
- Commercial relationship: creation of the customer account, management of the customer relationship, recording and execution of orders (delivery, invoicing and payment), management of credit, collection and customer service;
- Improvement of our product and service offer: surveys, analyzes and statistics on the use of our websites, our applications and our product and service offer;
- Marketing:
- sending newsletters about our products and services;
- prospecting: sending communication (including e-mails and SMS) concerning our products and services or those of third parties (which we think may be of interest to you, for example because they have points in common with other products and services you have purchased or expressed interest in). We may also communicate your personal data to other companies for commercial purposes. This may include providing your name, phone number and email address so that they can contact you to offer you products or services;
- proposal of personalized content: we may use your personal data to present personalized content and advertising to you;
- loyalty programs, events, contests, prize draws.
- Management of the recruitment site: creation of the candidate account, registration and management of the application file (Curriculum Vitae, cover letter, etc.);
- Financing by assignment of receivables: the assignment, in the context of securitization transactions or other types of financing by assignment of receivables, of receivables that we may have on you as a result of your orders.

What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?
Depending on the case, processes your personal data on the following legal bases:
- the processing is necessary for the execution of a contract to which you are a party or for the execution of your request (in particular when making contact);
- the processing responds to the legitimate interests pursued by (example: prevention of fraud, securitization transactions or other types of financing by assignment of receivables);
- in certain cases, we must keep your data because the law requires us to do so (example: to ensure security in general, for tax reasons, etc.);
- and if required, on the basis of your consent.

To whom are the personal data transmitted?
The authorized persons of BaltElec.comare the recipients of your data.
In addition, we may communicate your personal data to the following persons:
- to the judicial, police or administrative authorities legally authorized to deal with it;
- to parties involved in legal proceedings to ensure our defense or exercise our rights;
- to European entities involved in securitization transactions or other types of financing by assignment of receivables, namely financial institutions, mutual debt funds, management companies, custodians, auditors and investors of these funds, of recovery appointed in the event of default (back-up services) and the organizations for the escrow of data relating to receivables.

Do we make international transfers of personal data?
We may need to transfer your personal data outside of France and the European Economic Area. In this case, we ensure that appropriate measures are in place to protect your personal data.

How long are personal data kept?
We keep your personal data for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes of the processing. The retention period varies from one type of personal data to another since it depends on:
- the need for to keep personal data with regard to its activities;
- contractual obligations;
- legal obligations;
- the rules and recommendations published by the authorities responsible for the protection of personal data.

What are the means used for the security of your personal data?
We regularly review the technical and organizational measures put in place to protect our information and communication systems, in order to adapt them to the risks you incur and prevent any loss, unauthorized access, misuse or unauthorized modification of your personal data. . Nevertheless, the security and confidentiality of personal data are based on everyone's best practices and we invite you to be vigilant. does not control all the risks related to the operation of the Internet and we draw your attention to the existence of possible risks inherent in its use and operation. We decline all responsibility in the event of damage caused by the access or use of our site, including in the event of a virus infecting your computer or any other material damage.

What are your rights?
You have the following rights:
- Right of access: you have the right to know the personal data concerning you that we hold and to request a copy as well as to request information on the purpose of this processing;
- Right of rectification: you have the right to obtain the rectification of personal data concerning you which are inaccurate, and in certain cases the erasure or limitation of their processing;
- Right of opposition: you can oppose the processing of your personal data for prospecting purposes;
- Right to restriction of processing: you have the right to ask us to restrict our use of your personal data in certain cases;
- Right to erasure: you can ask us to erase your personal data (under certain conditions);
- Right to data portability: where applicable, you have the right to receive a copy of the personal data that you have transmitted to us (in a machine-readable format) or to have this data transmitted to another company;
- Right to withdraw your consent: you can at any time withdraw the consent you have given for the use of your personal data when it is required.
- "Post-mortem" right: you have the right to define directives relating to the storage, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death.

How to exercise your rights?
To exercise the aforementioned rights or obtain additional information on these rights, you can:
- use the contact form available on

You also have the right to refer any complaint relating to the way in which collects and processes your data.

When consulting and/or using our websites and/or applications, cookies or other tracers may be saved on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone).
For more information on our use of cookies and how to block them on your device, please see the applicable cookie policy for the relevant website.

Update of this policy
You can read the date of the last update of this policy, by referring to the mention "Last update" at the top of this document.
If we plan to make substantial changes to this policy, we will notify you prior to their entry into force.